【7/27実施分】ひまわり特訓5日目!!(問題公開) | 東進ハイスクール センター南駅前校 大学受験の予備校・塾|神奈川県

東進ハイスクール センター南駅前校 » ブログ » 【7/27実施分】ひまわり特訓5日目!!(問題公開)


2019年 7月 27日 【7/27実施分】ひまわり特訓5日目!!(問題公開)







○レベルA(2016年 法政大学デザイン工学部 一部抜粋)

By the late nineteenth century, the Antarctic Continent remained as the last great territorial prize for geographers and explorers. The way south was known as a remarkable journey through regions of natural wonder and danger, marked by exotic scenes and creatures. The penguin was a noted inhabitant of these places. The first sight of penguins was a significant experience for the southern visitor. A source of entertainment and nutrition, penguins were marked on maps, illustrated in expedition records petted, and made into survival food. With no vegetation or human marks of occupation, such as buildings or roads, and with the sense of the normal scale of things broken by enormous ice walls and glaciers, a sense of unreality was created, enhanced by cold, dry air and long silences. And penguins presented a very strange sight indeed. The fact that these birds seemed to survive readily, almost easily, only added to the sense of unreality. Where the bleak and strange wilderness brought a longing for human society, people often described penguins and penguin behavior as if they too were human Penguin rookeries were described as cities, penguin groups as committees or gangs. It is as though this mode of expression were fulfilling a need for (A).

territorial <形>領空の pet <動>かわいがる
prize <名>賞 vegetation <名>植物
geographer <名>地理学者 occupation <名>職業
explorer <名>探検家 glacier <名>氷河
remarkable <形>驚くべき enhance <動>高める
journey <名>旅行 seem <動>見える
region <名>地域 readily <副>快く
exotic <形>異国風の wilderness <名>荒れ地
noted <形>有名な describe <動>述べる
inhabitant <名>住人 rookeries <名>集団繁殖地
significant <形>重要な committee <名>委員会
nutrition <名>栄養 gang <名>一群
illustrate <動>説明する fulfill <動>満たす
expedition <名>遠征  


“There has been a lot of research on the effects of caffeine on your body and health. Caffeine is contained in many drinks and sweets such as coffee, tea, and chocolate. One of the well-known effects of caffeine is keeping you awake. Some people drink a lot of coffee before exams and try to study until late at night. There are some other effects on you that caffeine might cause. I can, for example, sometimes increase your heart rate or blood pressure. It is used to add a bitter taste to some drinks, as well. So, you may want to consider the amount of caffeine you take in each day.”

research: 調査 increase:増加させる
on the effects of ~: ~の効果で heart rate:心拍数
caffeine: カフェイン blood pressure:血圧
be contained in~:~に含まれている add a bitter taste:苦さを足す
such as~:~のような consider:考慮する
well-known effects:よく知られている効果 the amount of~:~の量を
keeping you awake:あなたを起こし続ける take in:摂取する
until late:遅くまで each day:それぞれの日で



“Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today.”



by Abraham Lincoln(エイブラハム・リンカーン)

